The St. Mary’s Cheer Team is excited to announce a unique and fun learning opportunity for HWCDSB’s future high school
The Crusaders Cheerleaders, along with their coaches, will be hosting a Jr. Cheer Camp during the Friday, January 26th, 2024 PA Day in St. Mary’s gymnasium. Throughout the day, students will have the opportunity to learn the
ins and outs about cheer routines, dances, and jumps. Students will also have the opportunity to get creative with poster
making and will get to meet many kids from across the Hamilton Wentworth Catholic District School Board.
Date: Friday, January 26, 2024
Location: St. Mary’s Catholic High School (Gymnasium) – 200 Whitney Avenue
Time: 9 am – 5 pm o Early Morning Drop-off: starting at 7:30 am o After Hours Pick-up: by 6 pm
Cost: $85 per student (registration closes January 19, 2024) *Early bird price of $75 is available until December 17, 2023
o + $10 for early morning drop-off
o +$10 for after-hours pick-up
o Or +$15 for both
** Please refer to the attached flyer for additional information**
Please refer to page 2 of this document for access to all registration links.
1. Complete the registration form online
2. Submit your payment via School Cash Online
3. Complete the Student Athletic Information and Permission Form (see attached). Please bring this with you to
camp on Friday, January 26, 2024.
4. Once your payment has been received, you will receive a Welcome email from the Cheerleading Team.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Jessica Rastelli at [email protected] or Teresa Francella at
[email protected].
Thank you,
The St. Mary’s Cheerleaders