Prevalent Medical Conditions

Information for parents/guardians regarding prevalent medical conditions
Posted on 08/31/2023

Information for parents/guardians regarding prevalent medical conditions


To promote the safety and well being of students with prevalent medical conditions parents and/or guardians are encouraged to confirm annually to the Principal or Principals’ designate the student’s medical status by completing and submitting appropriate forms.

The forms are located below and will be available in the main office.

If your son/daughter has a medical condition please download the forms, fill them out and have your son/daughter return the signed forms to the main office.

If your son/daughter takes the board provided school bus, please complete the form below and email to transportation.




Secondary - Annual Parent Guardian Request and Consent for Allergy Anaphylaxis Intervention.pdf

Secondary - Individual Allergy Anaphylaxis Plan of Care.pdf

Secondary - Physician Authorization for Administration of Allergy Anaphylaxis Medication - use only when medication is initiated or changes.pdf

Secondary Allergy Anaphylaxis Management Roles and Responsiblities.pdf



Individual Asthma Plan of Care.pdf

Authorization for Administration of Medication for Asthma Parent Form Annual Completion.pdf

Physician Authorization for Asthma Management - use only when condition is new or interventions have changed.pdf

Asthma-Safe Learning - A Back-to-School Asthma Management Protocol for ParentsGuardians.pdf

Asthma Management Roles and Responsiblities.pdf



Individual Diabetes Plan of Care.pdf

Annual Parent Guardian Request and Consent for Diabetes Intervention.pdf

Diabetes Management Roles and Responsibilities.pdf



Individual Epilepsy Plan of Care.pdf

Annual Parent Guardian Request and Consent for Epilepsy Intervention.pdf

Physician Authorization for Epilepsy Management - use only when condition is new or interventions have changed.pdf

Epilepsy Management Roles and Responsibilites.pdf


Sickle Cell Anemia

 St Mary SIckle Cell package to go home.pdf